Thursday, April 25, 2013

More Q week...

Finishing up our Q week with these fun Q work books I put together for the children!
They always like working and feeling important so what better way then to make a little 
special DOCUMENTS/WORK BOOK for them!
Books are made based on child's skills and age!
I will be making a booklet for each letter of the alphabet for the children to either work on
in Daycare or to take home! However, we will be doing most of the work in daycare! 

Each child can decorate the front of their booklet.

There will be a letter writing practice sheet in each packet.

There will be a letter review in each packet.

My daughter LOVES mazes so this was a fun insert so they can learn some thinking skills/problem solving.

This worksheet really doesn't relate to Q, but it was a fun insert to get ready for Spring. They are to draw a picture of themselves doing something in spring.

This is our Quilt page. I will have the children cut out little squares and paste them onto the letter to make a quilt like pattern. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Letter Q this week!

Queen for the day!
We could be making this fun project or maybe a Q for quilt!

Letter P Week

We made these neat Piano P's last week. The kids had fun playing "pretend" music!
Click here ----> Rockabye Butterfly to go to the site where I found this fun idea!